Saturday, October 3, 2009

5 Reasons Why People Believe They Can Become A Blog Star

When we were Young we had a lot of dreams about our career lifes many said that he want to be a movie star others may wish to be a famous singer and some may have the traditional Dreams like to become a doctor ,engineering bla bla bla .
None of us think that one day he like to Become a blog star.

What is the difference between becoming a movie star and a blog star? Why do rational adults, who quietly snicker at somebody striving to be a movie star, strive at being a blog star? They write posts, promote, take a few ‘how to blog’ courses, all in the attempt of being a successful blogger.

Most of the blogger fails in the First 6 months because they can't cover the Costs of the web host service .

But here we are with a rational fact that no one can deny that wanting to be a movie star is crazy. But wanting to be a blog star is not. This is strange. Why is the notion of becoming a movie star absurd while becoming a blog star rational? Here a the reason why you, a rational adult, might believe that one day you can become a blog star.

Because am newly blogger :) i become to search and found in a site named dailyblogtips 5 reason why people believe they can become blog stars .

1) No Barrier To Entry

You cannot wake up one day and say, “today I am going to be a movie star.” You need an agent, you need to take acting lessons, you need to be able to make people cry, you need to get a role in a movie, you need to move to Hollywood and in most cases you need to look good. So much work and so many possible points of failure – one barrier after another.

But, you can wake up tomorrow and be a blogger. Get out of bed and turn on the computer. Go to download a free blog template and start making posts. Before breakfast, still in your pajamas, you have become a blogger. It is so easy.
2) No Special Talent Required

To be a movie star requires talent. Remember high school drama class? There is always that one student who stands out above the rest. He can turn a room of gum chewing, giggling, restless students into a silent and focused audience as they watch him recite, “To be or not to be…”. He has talent – student most likely to be a movie star.

Do you now how to turn on a computer? Do you know how to read and write? If you do then you can be a blogger. All you got to do is write some interesting content everyday. You have everything it takes to be a great blogger. No special talent required.
3) No Instant Rejection

Watch an episode of American Idol. The candidates want to be stars. Before they walk on the stag and perform they believe in their dream of being a star. Then they perform. And in most cases with either an awkward smile or a tear in the eye they get a big dose of rejection. Dream shattered and a direct flight back to reality.

The blogosphere does not provide rejection. Nobody will tell you that you suck. Even after 1 year of blogging you can still think your blog is great – that you have a chance of success. Your 3 loyal followers (mother, uncle, co-worker) are always praising your blog posts. They tell you the reason your blog has not took off is because of some outside factor – need more promotion, change the color of the text, add a RSS feed etc. Nobody will strike you down with a big fat rejection – your blog sucks, you have no talent, quit wasting your time. Booo.
4) You Can Be A Blogger On The Weekends

To become a movie star means devoting your life to it. You need to become a starving artist. Buy a wool sweeter and scarf, never have any money, spend your days at coffee shops drinking tea and nibbling on biscuits, discussing Sir Author Dumenhouwer’s riveting performance of Cyrano de Bergerac.

Want to be a blogger: No need to quit your day job. No need to cancel your Wednesday nights at the pub with friends. All you need to do is devote a couple of hours on the weekend to your blog. Six days out of the week you are who you are, on Sundays you sit at the computer and write a post.
5) It Is Not A Cliche For The Foolish Endeavor

If someone tells you that they want to be a movie star it means one thing – they have no grasp of reality. The cliche is a 18 year old girl who moves to Hollywood thinking that she will become a star. She believes that because she has talent and knows how to work hard she will get noticed and in no time be on the big screen screen with Brad Pitt. Whenever you hear such a story all you can do is roll your eyes. What a silly girl.

Every one has to revise his goals about his blog and get prepared well and the most important thing is to have good Content.

Sleep tight ;)

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